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The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism
Edited by Dorchen Leidholdt and Janice G. Raymond. 1990
On April 6, 1987, eight hundred people packed an auditorium at New York University Law School, while hundreds more sat riveted to television monitors outside. They came to hear many of the major feminist writers, thinkers, and leaders address an ideology and a program that, they asserted, was undermining feminism in the guise of being its best friend.
Also Available as Individual Chapters Below
Introduction – Dorchen Leidholdt
Part I: Feminism and Liberalism
Liberalism and the Death of Feminism, Catharine A. MacKinnon
Sexology and Antifeminism, Sheila Jeffreys
Woman-Hating Right and Left, Andrea Dworkin
Part II: Family Structures: The Patriarch and the Pimp
Making an Issue of Incest, Louise Armstrong
Taking Our Eyes Off the Guys, Sonia Johnson
Family Matters, Ann Jones
Confronting the Liberal Lies About Prostitution, Evelina Giobbe
Part III: The New Reproductive Liberalism
The New Reproductive Technologies, Gena Corea
Mothers on Trial: Custody and the “Baby M” Case, Phyllis Chesler
Sexual and Reproductive Liberalism, Janice G. Raymond
In the Best Interest of the Sperm: The Pregnancy of Judge Sorkow, Pauline B. Bart
Abortion and Pornography: The Sexual Liberals’ “Gotcha” Against Women’s Equality, Twiss Butler
Part IV: Sexuality
When Women Defend Pornography, Dorchen Leidholdt
Eroticizing Women’s Subordination, Sheila Jeffreys
Resistance, Andrea Dworkin
Sex Resistance in Heterosexual Arrangements, A Southern Women’s Writing Collective
Toward a Feminist Praxis of Sexuality, Wendy Stock
Sexual Liberalism and Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Valerie Heller
Part V: The Male Backlash
The Many Faces of Backlash, Florence Rush
Liberals, Libertarianism, and the Liberal Arts Establishment, Susanne Kappeler
You Can’t Fight Homophobia and Protect the Pornographers at the Same Time—An Analysis of What Went Wrong in Hardwick, John Stoltenberg
A View from Another Country, Susan G. Cole
Women and Civil Liberties, Kathleen A. Lahey
Part VI: Politics and Possibilities
Be-Witching: Re-Calling the Archimagical Powers of Women, Mary Daly
Not a Sentimental Journey: Women’s Friendships, Janice G. Raymond